AI Ethics Code
The use of Artificial intelligence (AI) is spreading at a rapid pace covering more and more areas of human life. This sweeping proliferation of AI technologies raises concerns in society: how safe is AI for humans, in what areas is it acceptable to use AI, who will be responsible for the actions of AI?
What is the AI Ethics Code?
This is a uniform system of guiding principles and rules designed to create an environment of trusted development of AI technologies.
- The document has a nonbinding nature
- Adherence to the Code is voluntary
- The Code applies only to civil developments
Past Events
Most significant and interesting news in the field of AI ethics
Signatories to the AI Ethics Code
Here you can find the list of organizations which have already joined the Code and expressed their commitment to the principles of the AI ethics

Commission for AI Ethics Code
Working groups
Working groups are created by a common decision of the Сommission members and / or a decision of the authorized officers for AI Ethics to implement certain provisions and aims of the Code.
Working groups can be formed from representatives of business, science, public authorities and other interested parties (observers).

The Code Signatories are able to:
- articulate the ethical problem of the use of AI and find solutions to it
- be involved in implementing the Code, developing recommendations and summarizing best practices
- join the country's largest institute for self-regulation in the field of AI on equal terms with the leading Russian companies, research and educational institutions and government agencies